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What's Stopping YOU?

Dr. A

Would you hire you? What do you offer that no one else can provide? Years ago I wasn't the ONE people wanted to hire but read on to hear how I was able to turn things around . . .

The truth is there are thousands of AMAZING coaches out there, yet, there is only ONE YOU! We all have a claim to fame. We all say we are the BEST at what we do. And many of us can make that profession ONLY because we have perfected our style, worked on our character and integrity, improved our presentation and developed our skills. Being the BEST at what you do means being the BEST at being YOU and that means pouring your heart, soul, skill, energy and PERSONALITY into everything you do - DON'T waste anything!

Years ago, I worked at a well-known insurance company. I was GREAT enough to pass the interview for a training/coach/facilitator position (You see I have been educating, training, teaching, facilitating for almost 30 years now). The opportunity presented itself for me to fly to Connecticut for a week of training to learn more skills to become better. It was me and another trainer. My excitement was immeasurable; I was barely 22 years old, with a new baby, husband, and my second PROFESSIONAL career already underway. However, the facilitators and powers to be did not think I was GOOD enough and that I lacked SYNERGY after presenting my topic and project. What in the world was SYNERGY? This country girl had NEVER heard of that but I promise you I understand what it means now. I researched and searched, practiced and educated myself. What these leaders thought was a lack of enthusiasm and synergistic ability to master the classroom actually turned out to be chronic pain and fatigue; conditions I had battled as a child and now an adult. Being a new mother made it even more difficult. However, it did not stop me. This was NOT going to beat me.

Guess what though? I embraced the feedback and turned it into a process of improvement which has landed me speaking engagements, workshop facilitation, radio spots and corporate teaching endeavors. Why? Because I learned to MASTER MY ENERGY AND JOY by improving my health, educating myself on the conditions causing the fatigue and BOTTLING JOY.

NOW . . . I facilitate FOUR wellness recovery groups per week AND just took over an evening Substance Abuse group that I will have the opportunity to grow and develop with MY OWN STYLE AND GROOVE. Additionally, I have assisted numerous authors and entrepreneurs in building their platforms, as well as building my own author platform (9 time Amazon Best Seller and International Amazon Best Seller twice) and multiple business platforms. With the feedback I received from these Corporate leaders 28 years ago, I made application and turned my life around. Instead of retreating and wallowing in self-pity, I learned more skills and also took charge of my health conditions which contributed greatly to my past lack of SYNERGY.

Today I MASTER the Classroom with confidence, joy, enthusiasm and energy as I have never known before.

The moral here is this . . . don't EVER let one disappointment or discouragement keep you from pursuing your passion or dream. What is it that you want to accomplish? Do you want to be that AWESOME Coach that everyone wants to hire? What's STOPPING you? You can do this! I believe in you.

Are you ready to take your life back? I can help... let's connect!

Facebook: (Angel Morris)

Instagram: @drangelrmiller

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