Early in my life, I struggled with understanding my #purpose & calling, until one day, many years ago, I prayed for Most High to use me for HIS glory, help me to SEE others the way He does, make me a conduit & instrument for HIS service, flow through me. Then the STUFF just didn't seem to matter as much. Still, I endured adversity, trials, etc., but I began to understand them and why they came. My heart learned to TRUST HIM & HIS process more. This life came with a #price. Sure... there have been days I wanted to give up, even recently I've asked, "Most High why do you have me here?" Away from ALL MY FRIENDS, FAMILY, HUSBAND, MINISTRY FAMILY ... MY SUPPORT SYSTEM, in a place where people don't want to engage or connect? And He gently nudges me daily & reminds me of my prayers. I don't ask for accolades or testimonials; HE gives them to me. I don't jump over hoops for opportunities anymore and I haven't in years.... He lays them out for me to WALK into.
This is from a recent client WHO CAME BACK TO SAY THANK YOU. On the day, he discharged I openly shed tears because when he first came in, he told me that the doctor told him if he didn't get clean & stay clean, he'd die. He said he didn't want to die. His family trusted my ability to help him, but they were scared and apprehensive because of his past attempts. He's living, he got a job, a sponsor, housing, he attends meetings, his sense of humor and awesome personality are back AND IT'S BECAUSE He made a decision to LIVE.
Yes, I'm Thankful to YAH for the blessing of serving. This is a #reminder of being in HIS will. With YAHUAH NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE... #byfaith #trusttheprocess
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