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Dr. Angel R. Miller

Formerly Angel Barrino

  • Dr. A

The Crippling Effects of Fear

Recently, I have been sharing my testimony about how fear controlled my life for at least three decades, the MAJORITY of my life. Periodic moments of my life have been interrupted because I allowed fear to peak its ugly head in and dominate my emotions, mental state, spiritual connection with Most High AND the trajectory of my life. This revelation did not "dawn" on me until a few years ago when I shared with a close friend how I had been selected to play with elite group of kids from Greensboro, NC. We were all hand picked by our band directors as part of a small group of wind instrument players (specifically flute and piccolo) to join a special event with the New York Symphony Orchestra.

Deep down I know that Most High strategically put this together. My band director knew I was one of the best flutists at my school. I just didn't totally realize it. I had been selected to perform solos with the music teacher and others. But I still didn't realize the gift. When my band director, Mr. Powell (Rest in love), came to me and said that he was adding me to the list, I was grateful and excited. The group met during the summer after school ended, and I didn't have transportation because both of my parents worked full-time and were not able to take me. So my dad arranged to have my grandfather take me each day. My parents would drop me off at my grandparents house early every morning of class and then my grandfather would take me to the sessions.

After the first few sessions, this enormous feeling of anxiety and FEAR came from out of no where. I do not remember all of the discussions that took place between me and my parents, but I know that I was frightened to go to New York. I QUIT.. I let FEAR control my life. My anxiety took over and I allowed it to stop me from achieving one of the greatest moments I could have ever experienced as a teenager. I felt like I was the lowest of the low. My parents were angry with me and I was angry with myself.

Even now when I think of it, I want to kick myself. As a kid, I knew there was a God. But I certainly wasn't as knowledgeable about Him as I am now. However, I knew I had a connection to Him. I was just afraid.

This wasn't the only opportunity in my life that was terminated by FEAR. There were so many others, yet I had no idea how to overcome the anxiety and fear during those many years. Job opportunities, amazing ones, open doors, great relationships etc., were sabotaged because of my uncontrollable anxiety and fear of the unknown or ACCEPTANCE that I deserved those great opportunities or people in my life.

HOWEVER, NOW fear has no stronghold in my life. I CONTROL the fear and anxiety NOW through application of Yah's Word, more positive thinking and better decision making. Sure, I mess up now and then and then I immediately recognize it and get back on track. I am still a work in process BUT the FEAR that once dominated my mind, emotions and will NO LONGER lives in me and the enemy's devices concerning fear do not take root within me.

The WORD of Yah declares in 2 Timothy 1:7 that we have not been given the spirit of fear but of power, love and a sound mind. This is encouragement for us as believers because this scripture states that we do not have to succumb to the crippling effects of fear. We do not have to walk through the valley of the shadow of death fearing anything because Most High Yah is with us, His rod and His staff comfort us. He makes us to lie down in green pastures. He gives us peace, He restores our souls. We have help in Him. He is our protector and shield, our defender. We can take consolation in knowing that He will not leave or forsake us. He is Sovereign.

Beloved, be encouraged today. Know that Yah has ordered your steps and prepared the way for you so you do not have to fear about anything you may encounter along that path.

For more encouragement, be sure to check out my video on overcoming fear I also invite you to register for my upcoming Master Class: Overcoming Fear and Rejection.

To your purpose,

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