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Dr. Angel R. Miller

Formerly Angel Barrino

  • Dr. A

Living The Dream

In November, I made a REAL #boss #career move by taking a leap of faith and moving to the #outerbanks of NC. In October, my life took an adverse turn and some things transpired that almost rocked my foundation; these events resulting in me resigning from my job in Gastonia, NC. I resigned WITHOUT having a traditional back up plan (but continued working there almost 40 days after resigning, trying to make it work AND IT WASN'T WORKING).

The only thing I had was faith & trust in Most High Yah and my determination to not be defeated or be a failure. Six weeks of challenges left me with some losses. In my heart, I knew I had to move but wasn't sure where. My husband and I discussed moving to Greensboro to be closer to family and help with my mother and grandmother. That was MY plan. After numerous job searches, applications and interviews I felt a tad bit discouraged, because NOTHING came of those hundreds of applications... absolutely NOTHING, except a few unprofitable interviews.

In the meanwhile, (see multiple instances of this word in the Bible which denotes at the same time as) Most High had an alternative plan for my life. Last year, around Thanksgiving, I'd prayed, "Most High I want to spend next Thanksgiving at the beach." Now I have wanted to live at the beach the majority of my life. Most of 2021 (and years prior) I spoke aloud, "I am moving to the beach someday. I don't know how, don't know when. But I want to live at the beach." I just kept saying those words. I told one of my best friends over and over, "I want to live at the beach or on an island."

During October, my former Clinical Supervisor referred me to this company that inquired whether she knew of anyone who might be interested in coming to work for them, at the beach - temporary housing was included. I inquired, but I kept dodging their calls. Something inside me knew that if I spoke with them, I would be offered the job and I didn't know if I was ready to make that step yet. Because of mom's health, I discussed the opportunity with my sister LONG before I spoke with the Owner/Director of the company. She told me to go for it (this was still October, living in Gastonia with everything at stake).

A lot transpired - remember me mentioning that above - a WHOLE lot. My mother's health had declined, my grandmother was dying but we didn't know when she was going to leave us, I encountered SEVERE financial difficulty resulting in some losses and some other personal/professional challenges had presented themselves. I felt the walls closing in. My friend texted me one day and asked if I had called the company back and I said, "Not yet." She asked, "Why?" I replied, "Because I know they will offer me the job. Something inside me knows that they will offer it to me." She said, "Call those people." So, I did. It was the BEST decision I'd made lately. The Clinical supervisor said, "Well come visit the facility. If you like it, we will discuss the job. If you don't and it isn't a good fit, you get a free vacation." I visited, me and #Angel2 (my dog). I loved it. I accepted their offer, and it was considerably more than expected.

In the meanwhile, my grandmother passed. My heart broke. She transitioned November 1, surrounded by her family; I held her hand one last time and sang her favorite hymns one last time as she quietly slept. Earlier that morning I'd called my daughter's grandmother and my former mother-in-law to give birthday greetings. She has remained a strong support in my life and as I spoke with her about my grandmother, she said, "I truly hope she doesn't pass today; however, your grandmother is strong, and she has lived a long, full life." She continued, "Go live your life. Work on getting you back on track. Your grandmother would want you to live your life."

So beloved, here I am. Me and my dog #Angel2, living the dream in the #OuterBanks. It is absolutely an amazing experience thus far. Daily, I am grateful to Most High for orchestrating this opportunity on my behalf and allowing me to move to a place in North Carolina that is so beautiful; a place where I can live, work and impact the lives of others through my career, businesses and ministry.

Sharing this is meant to encourage you to pursue your purpose, dreams and the will of Yah for your life. If your heart's desires align with HIS will, I promise you, He will cause everything to line up on your behalf. DO NOT GIVE UP on your dreams or purpose and destiny. October 13, I celebrated my 50th birthday and I promise you on EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE I love, Most High did this for me.

What is your dream? What is your purpose? If you need help identifying where you are supposed to be, I am here to assist. Be sure to register for an inspirational meet up or consultation with me to become concrete and clear about your goals. You still have time. It is NOT too late. Let's Do This!

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