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Dr. A

Get Your CRAP Together

Get your CRAP together! How many people in your life have told you to get your house in order? To get your &T*$%^^# together? At least that's how some of my people have said it to me ... "Angel get your isshhh together. For once and for all." Well, I did get it together, then guess what? It fell apart again ... at least I thought it did.

So, guess what? I got it together AGAIN and I started teaching others how to get theirs together. Now life is not always 100% the way I want it; sometimes I have issues, just like anyone else. But emotionally, spiritually and physically I got myself together and financially things are much better for me than they were five years ago or even three years ago. So, what did I do in response to these amazing changes in my life? I launched a Master Class. Yes, you guessed it. Dr. A, "Coach Angel" launched a Stay Focused & Get Your CRAP Together Master Class that teaches you how to pull your life back together after major adversity.

Beloved... my life has been the epitome of resilience and bouncing back, stronger, more patient, having less anxiety and less extreme emotions. So here I am to teach you the same. In these two hours with me, you will learn some key skills to regulate your emotions, focus on your action plans, create strategies, live life with more quality. So jump to it ... stop procrastinating and register for this powerful class today.

The next class begins Sunday March 20th so secure your spot now. You don't want to miss this one. Click the image to register for the class. I will see you in the virtual room.

You can also receive all of my upcoming MASTER classes by joining as a VIP member of my coaching programs. Click the button below to find out more or sign up:

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