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A Life of Perseverance

Dr. A

"Life for me ain't been no crystal stair..."

- Langston Hughes

Share your story. Fight for you. Grow through the pain. These are just a few messages I voice daily to my clients. While encouraging them, I realize I encourage myself. This post was actually inspired by a dear friend who recently shared his story on stage in Texas.

Having a life of perseverance goes beyond just saying it. A life of perseverance is marked by showing up when you don't feel like it; it means being strong enough to push through when you want to throw in the towel. Persistence and determination are willful actions which come from deep within even when your head and heart are saying, "give up, you can't do this anymore." Trust me beloved, I've had my share of experiencing these dark and deep emotions of despair, even as recently as within the past 12 months. The past year has been a character building season for me. I've walked through the fire from being displaced to losing some people I thought were really there for me, to death of loved ones and the list continues. However, Most High Yah has been faithful. He carried me through and helped me walk through the fire. And guess what? I did not get burned. I did not give up, even when I fell on my face and cried out before Him and wanted to just walk away from business, ministry, work and everything else. The revelation for me is this... I cannot give up because if I give up, my actions will cause someone else to give up or be lost. Why? Because my life is not just about me. It is about my purpose, assignments and destiny.

Many people know segments of my story. And truth is, I have been encouraging people to pursue their purpose and assignment for years - sometimes, however, I forgot to encourage myself to keep pursuing my own.

Giving up is not an option. Most often, I tell others this same adage. Beloved, giving up does happen for some, BUT I want to admonish you to hold on to something. Find your hope, discover your life's purpose and Kingdom assignment. DO NOT GIVE UP! I once preached or taught a message, "Don't Die in the Valley." I am telling you the same today. Do not die in the valley. Pick yourself up and share your story. You are needed and you have something to offer.

Your divine purpose is my passion. Find your strength, your gusto and pour your energy into to speaking your truth.

You are loved.

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